Date: 2022-12-09

The XENIA international final conference “Processes of inclusion, valorization of differences and contrast against discriminations within University Contexts: normative methods, theoretical perspectives and good practises to redefine the academic system”, held the 9thDecember 2022 at the Complesso di San Marcellino e Festo Largo S.Marcellino, University of Federico II Naples represented the final venture achieved within the European three-year Project “XENIA: He Inclusiveness Index” and a crucial moment to share the results and considerations within the scientific community and the general public.
For this occasion, the XENIA index was open to public and available in 5 languages English/Italian/ Greek/ Slovenian and Spanish in the OER Platform: https://www.xeniaindex.eu/xeniaindex.php
Equality, support for diversity, and inclusion are the key concepts of XENIA, that’s why LIS service, simultaneous translation service, streaming service were available to boost inclusion.
The recorded video of the Conference can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebzc3L-a0b4
In the photo, the XENIA partners from University of Naples Federico II Sinapsi Centre (coordinator), University of Dublin, University of Barcelona, Internet Web Solutions (the IT partner from Spain), Antinoo Arcigay from Naples (Italy), Ozara Slovenia and Hellenic Open University (Greece) presenting the XENIA tool together with the greetings from Emanuela Ferrante, the Councillor for Sport and Equal Opportunities of the City of Naples.
The event, organised for and with the Federico II students, has been an opportunity to discuss and develop new ideas and proposals for inclusion at the university. Indeed a call for voice: “The inclusion I would like” was launched before the conference. The call for voice addressed the whole academic community of students who wants to share reflections and experiences regarding discriminations linked to genre identities and sexual orientation at University.
The section was open to students who have the desire of expressing alternative forms regarding the theme of inclusion utilizing alternative forms of Communication (Slogans, Social Campaign, Digital productions...).
From an environmentally sustainable perspective,all the Works from students were displayed in a unique multimedial product all day in the majestic deconsecrate church of S. Marcellino where the Conference was held.
In the afternoon working gropus “In-visibilità: microaggressions and sexism Discussant” with Daniela Scafaro Omolesbobiphobia: unexpected students with Carmen Ferrara and Tea Vuga followed.
XENIA used this exploitation event to make the bridge between Institutions and students, under the XENIA umbrella. The event attracted +100 participants face-to-face and the response to the XENIA approach was extremely positive, mirroring the reactions received in the other exploitation events in this second phase.
Great success, innovative tool, a dream that become reality.
XENIA is an amazing and rewarding challenge to make an inclusive and a world-changing IT tool to make universities more inclusive and well connected to their communities.
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