Centre LGTBI de Barcelona
Website: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lgtbi/es/servicios/centro-lgtbi-de-barcelona
Barcelona LGBTI Centre is the city’s reference space for issues concerning LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex) people.
The Centre offers the LGBTI community and all other citizens a transversal public facility that provides a wide range of information, advisory and direct assistance services, all in coordination with the relevant associations and organisations and the competent authorities.
The LGBTI Centre also presents a cultural, community action and awareness-raising programme that is open to all citizens and complements the activities organised by the various associations that use its facilities, whether permanently or occasionally.
All this makes Barcelona LGBTI Centre a place for meeting, thinking and highlighting issues related to sexual and gender diversity.
The Centre works to defend LGBTI rights and the provisions established in Law 11/2014, the Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity 2016-2020 and other legislation relevant to the fight to eradicate discrimination against LGBTI people.
Website: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lgtbi/es/servicios/centro-lgtbi-de-barcelona
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